Post a Day Challenge – Day 1

I’ve started a blog a few days ago, mostly to keep track of my point of view on things I experiment (cooking, movies, theater…). By surfing on WordPress, i found this interesting challenge of posting at least one topic per day, in order to keep the habit of filling blank pages. Though this is quite challenging, because it means find minutes everyday to drop a few words, I’m sure it will keep me passionate about writing !

I hope you won’t get bored by reading those articles, as well as my blog in general.

So, here is the first topic suggested :

List three countries you’d like to visit, and why you want to go

Geez ! Just three countries ?! Ok, here is my choice : Vietnam, Peru and Russia

Vietnam :

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A wish of travel usually comes from images we see and that touches you, at least for me. My taste for Vietnam occurred when I saw the french movie « Indochine » by Regis Wargnier. View of Ha Long Bay is magic and mysterious at the same time. I would like to grab this special atmosphere by myself.

Peru :

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I’m fascinated by those great civilizations that created organized states with its own rules and habits. What struck me is how this all disappeared suddenly and left a mystery for future generation such as ours. I often think about archaeologists who work in those environments. This must be overwhelming and frustrating at the same time to dig in tombs and ancient temples that keep secrets to itself !

Russia :

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When I was in school, I decided to learn Russian as my second foreign language. I was fascinated by this particular alphabet (Cyrillic). Beside, this choice was made while eastern Europe was making a drastic U-Turn. Unfortunately I never invested enough to learn this language, so it would be lie to say I know Russian nor Russia. In any case, i would really like to discover such a mythic country, especially cities such as St Petersburg

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